On Frebruary 28th the OSG Webpages located at www.opensciencegrid.org will move to the OSG Twiki. This move corresponds with the upcoming conclusion of a contract with the Chicago based web hosting service Tilted Planet.
During the scheduled production service update on the 28th, browsers will be redirected from the current location to the new location on the main OSG Twiki page. A mockup of the new page can be seen at twiki-itb.grid.iu.edu.
This is the first step, and likely an interim web page home, in a project that will affect the OSG Public Web Pages, the OSG Twiki, the DocDB, and possibly other OSG services with web-UI’s. Evaluation of content management systems, wikis, and documentation file database solutions has already begun and will continue over the next several months. Please contact the GOC (goc@opensciencegrid.org) if you have a suggestion for packages you think should be evaluated.